Public Speaking/Motivational Lectures

Jo-Anne has presented numerous talks on Sex & Relationships, Sexuality & Ageing In Today’s Society, Improving The Quality Of Life As We Age, Positive Ageing.

Jo-Anne has lectured many groups and organisations about relationships and sexuality as well as tailoring her lectures to suite any situation. These talks have included health professional, community groups well as the general public.

Some of the organisations she has lectured at include: Assert, Sexual Nurses Association, Alma Doctors Conference, Women’s Business Network, Wiso, B-Nai Brith, Camp Eden, Golden Door health retreat, Health Centre’s in Maitland, Leichhardt and Parramatta menopause clinic, plus support of local community women’s projects.

Quality of Life – Deakin University, Melbourne

Nothing remains the same everything changes: improving quality of life with positive thought, diet and exercise. Presented by Esme Holmes & Jo-Anne Baker

Smart Business Magazine articles written by Jo-Anne on Building Rapport and Where to for Baby Boomer.

Notebook Magazine Interview on Jo-Anne Baker

3rd International Conference Healthy Ageing and Longevity – Convention Centre Melbourne

Nothing remains the same everything changes: improving quality of life with exercise and positive thought. Presented by Esme Holmes & Jo-Anne.

Sexuality and Ageing in Today’s Society Presented by Jo-Anne

Channel TVS Conversations With Robyn Jo-Anne interviewed

Sam in The City Sydney Morning Herald on line, Jo-Anne interviewed

The 15th National Convention of Australian Hypnotherapists – Macquarie University Sydney

Getting the most out of your sex life. Presented by Jo-Anne


“I’ve learnt more in Jo-Anne’s one hour lecture than I have in two marriages.”

“As a nurse working in the area of sexuality I have found Jo-Anne’s presention to be informative and fun, and now I have many more resources to pass onto my clients.”

“Jo-Anne presented a very interesting topic at our Hypnotherapy Conference, called “Getting The Most out of Your Sex Life”. I must say that I didn’t quite know what to expect but went into the room with an open mind. Jo-Anne’s knowledge and advice on sex therapy is second to none. She must be a breath of fresh air to her clients as she made some very apprehensive audience members completely relax and get into the spirit of her presentation. She proceeded to cover sex topics from A to Z and certainly didn’t forget sexual fantasies, testosterone levels and client issues as we age. Well done Jo-Anne and thanks for a most uplifting ( pun intended) presentation.”

Conference Committee ASCH August 2006